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Courage – Taking risks to do what is right.

Humility – Lay down my life in order to do things God’s way.

Respect – Recognizing, honoring, and protecting the God-given value of others.

 Integrity – Being faithful and true to God and His Word in all situations and circumstances.

Seeker Of God – Pursuing an ever-deepening relationship with God.

Teachability  Seeking knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.


These are six words of invitation and welcome, words of hospitality. They are the way we say to one another, “Please join us in learning to live life in these ways, along these lines, for these purposes and ends. Help us become a school that ‘does what it is’ and that can be proud that it ‘is what it does.’ Partner with us in developing, nourishing and sustaining a school-wide culture that is deeply and thoroughly characterized by these words, the virtues to which they point, and the presence of the Lord who is their constant source.” 

These words form the acronym CHRIST. This is not merely to help us remember them, but also to regularly remind us that our identity is in Christ, our life is from and for Christ, our first responsibilities are to Christ— and that the ability to do all this comes through the Spirit of Christ who indwells each believer and every Christian community.